I'm tempted to tell you about the chap who took my hand in prayer and humbled himself before the living God to receive the new birth...but I won't. Last night was certainly fruitful but God alone knows the full extent of our labours. We can talk at great lengths about the kingdom of God amongst ourselves as believers but for those who have yet to be made alive in Christ the message is of the cross. Jesus is the door into the kingdom and unless we are Born Again we will not SEE the kingdom at all (see John's gospel Chapter 3).
Before I went out last night I felt EMPTY. This has often happened and it is not a bad thing. God is teachig me that there are times when I NEED to be empty so He can fill me again with HIs Spirit. Don't proudly say that you've had an Acts 2 experience when you ignore the message at the end of Acts 4 which states that they (the people that were filled in Acts 2) were (again) filled with the Holy Spirit. Right now I don't particulatly feel FILLED but no prizes for guessing what my prayer will be before we go out this afternoon to again "fish for men"!
For those who pray THAAAAAANKS. WE need this vital support.
Dont forget to answet the qustion on the right hand side of this page before you leave. The Photo? Thats our pal Kenny in Manila witnessing and preaching to vast numbers. He's Irish and would appreciate your prayer support also.
In HIs majesty's Secret service
Ant 087 9795454
PS Txt me if u wish 2 fish
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