Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Less Jaw ... More Awe

How did Peter have faith to raise Tabitha from the dead in Acts 9? Yes he was called for by the disciples but dont forget that in Mark 5 Peter saw Jesus raise Jairus' daughter to life! If you see somebody operate in spiritual gifts of healings or raising from the dead I think you'd find it easier to step out yourself and pray. I haven't yet seen the dead raised but over 20 years ago on the street i saw Kyle Holland pray for the sick and them miraculously recover. That's why I find it easy to pray for the sick and love to encourage others to do the same. When the pre-believers get healed, as has happened in recent weeks on Grafton Street their attitude to the Word of God and the messae of the cross changes instantly. Acts 2:43 "EVERYONE WAS FILLED WITH AWE". Less Jaw more Awe I pray for!!

We are off to Killarney(see photo) via Limerick this weekend (Fri and Sat) for evangelism. God is leading us to take a day off work and beat a trail southwards to meet up with our friend John (Limerick) and Oliver and Kenny (Killarney), evangelists one and all. Last night at the Trinity Network Prayer meeting we received prayer, encouragement, prophesy and anointing and are mightily blessed of the Lord! Thanks to ALL for the encouragement! DOn't forget that the Friday night Grafton Street "John 3:7" outreach is carrying on in our absence..they meet from 11pm to 2am near the top of Grafton Street. Join them and be blessed and be a blessing. Ask for Shane, he's the main man.

1 comment:

Thomas Fluharty said...

KEEP on keeping on my dear brother. GOD is leading the fight which is already won. i greatly enjoy your witness. the KING is coming soon. LOVE you brother~TOM