Friday, September 09, 2011


Gifts are received not earned, so too God's gift Jesus

Our latest 15 minute Pilgrim Talk podcast deals with the very basic of Christianity. Strip away all the incense and nonsense, smell and bells, religious forms, buildings...strip away every non-essential and what is left is not something but someone... Jesus. it not about "do" it's about "done"...done by Him for us. It's that simple. The enemy knows truth is not on his side so he likes to make simple things complicated in order to put people off. Check the message out under "Pilgrim talk Podcast" on the sidebar or better still, if you are an iTunes user (Steve forgave me for the last post!), go to the iTunes store and search for Pilgrim Talk and subscribe (for free of course).
Our planned launch on UCB Ireland radio has been delayed slightly but the exciting news is that UCB Ireland is now on FM from Friday to Sunday up to November 13th. Frequencies are Dublin 94.3 Galway 89.5 Limerick 105.5 COrk 106.7 Wexford/Waterford 103.8

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