What are we stewards of as believers? Ephesians 6:19 "Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel". We are entrusted with the MYSTERY of the Gospel WHICH IS Christ in you the hope of glory. No-one is righteous but Jesus and it is his righteousness in us that is the ONLY hope of reconciliation and avoidance of wrath!...Oh dear did i mention a forbidden word (wrath)... Well here's another one HELL..the place where you and me deserve to go to because of our violoation of the perfect law of my Creator. Let's Get this straight: NO one is good...all have turned aside. In Christ alone can we stand...Think about it and check out the "Sin" animation on the right. It's funny and clever but deadly accurate in its message. We never Outgrow the Gospel.
The photo shows John and Freddie (the dog) at Naas last Friday. Myself and John witnessed, gave out tracts and preached outside the town hall. We had a good time and trust that the seeds that were sown will bear a rich harvest. To God be all the glory. Ant
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