I didn't go fishing today even though I had friends who witnessed in Tralee, Dublin and elsewhere...Instead I visited some neighbours who were at the centre of the awful murder that happened on our doorstep 2 weeks ago when we were on holidays. Tragic is an understatement. My deep sympathies go to the family of the victim as well as the mother of the perp. Our community is in shock.
All of this focuses my find in a sharper way on the great commission. I was in Dublin airport last week leaving a friend off and as I was calmly strolling away through the crowded terminal there was a lady who was in utter panic looking for her "lost" boarding card as she retraced her steps through the crowds with husband in tow. God showed me that this panic will be typical on judgement day when people will shockingly realise that they have lost their last chance of salvation and that the religion they trusted in is inadequate to gain them access into the presence of God. There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved but the name of JESUS. Whoever calls upon themane of the Lord shall be saved. While on holidays over the last 2 weeks we had the honour of lifting up His name and witnessing in both Dungarvan and Cork. When in Cork (outside McDonalds at the end of Patrick Street) we spotted the above sign and this then became the subject of some street preaching by my friend John. All the glory belongs to HIm!!
Will you join me in getting this mesage out to the people of Ireland and the multitude of internatonals whom God is sending to Ireland to hear the Gospel at this time? Let's not sleep during this harvest! Oh yes...by the way... the lady eventually found her boarding card (in her hand!). Ant
Hello Ant,
Yes, the harvest is truly plentiful-but oh, for more workers with a heart for the lost.
I am a South African and was saved here in Ireland and I can truly see GOD'S hand in bringing me to this country to hear the true Gospel and to meet with my Saviour and Lord.
GOD wants to draw all nationalities to Him yet I believe He wants to do an amazing work within the hearts of all Catholics, having brought Polish and Filipino people here ( who represent the majority of foreign nationals in this country), together with the Irish.
Our small team are out once a week but it is our prayer that GOD would place a burden on more hearts to go out to all the nations (who are walking the streets) and preach the Gospel.
May our LORD bless you in your faithfulness as you witness and may you know His grace as He protects you and your family.
Regards, in CHRIST
Thanks for that May. Sometimes the difference between your average catholicism and biblical christianity is the difference between having the law without and the law within! Hmmmmmm...now where in Hebrews was that? Ant
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