Saturday, December 31, 2011


Beware of new year resolutions! I say this becuase the greater danger for believers is that they put the focus on their ability at the cost of "learning the unforced rhythms of grace" and receiving Jesus's supernatural help in everyday matters. I know I could lose a few pounds and apply more discipline in a few areas but is a simplisic resolution to do this going to help? I think not. In fact it could prove counter- productive in that I would set off the long distance race with a great sprint of enthusiasm only to collapse in failure and disillusionment.
With increasing chaos in the world around us surely this year, like last year, can be a year of greater intimacy with God Himself. When we are close to Him we know our own worth. Think of this. Value is determined by the price one can obtain for something. I might want to seel my car but if nobody wants it at all it has no value, beyond scrap. If on the orther hand it was a unique high value vintage car attracting great interest it could be worth a lot of money. How much is a person worth? (that is: you and me). God our creator gave up His most precious only Son Jesus, His very life, for you and me and this act demonstrated beyond doubt that God sees us as priceless.
Have you ever noticed how people change when they stop feeling worthless and start to see themselves lved and valued. It is quite awesome. Surely this good news (Gospel) we have has such power to change people.

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