Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Talk of bankruptcy is very much in the air and the chill wind of fear that circumstances might overwhelm our society is not too far away. Let me take this opportunity to remind you, dear reader, of the greatest cosmic bankruptcy ever namely: the giving of Jesus, the Son of God, by God the Father for us rebels. (I've got a son too but I'm not giving him up for anyone!) Reject this and you are pitifully abandoned with a set of false hopes that will only disappoint with tragic consequences, believe me.
We live in a world that is four square anti-Christ. Vast swathes of religious nations violently oppose faith in Jesus, despite it's indisputable merits. In western Europe when a governemtn minister (O'Cuiv) even mentions prayer he is publically ridiculed or when another politician (Conor Lenihan) plans attending a friend's book launch where the sacred cow of Darwinism is questioned he is forced to cancel.
Our Father in heaven could hardly be blamed had he not bothered with telling Noah to build an ark. The truth is mankind is utterly corrupt. In Ireland the masses are blaming bankers and politicains yet hypocritically are happy to fiddle the system for themselves. Finger pointing as a means of hiding guilt is nothing new having started in the garden of Eden when Adam blamed God for giving him Eve.
If you have yet to apologize to God for your own guilt and shame and believe that Jesus took this on Himself 2000 years ago and through His resurrection now offers you personally forgiveness and new life PLEASE DO IT TODAY. God Bless.
The picture is of the cover of "the Origin of Specious Nonsense" by John J. May, seditious material in a humanist Europe!


Geoff said...

Have you actually read the origin of specious nonsense? There's a free sample available here
This is a profoundly poor book, littered with spelling and grammatical errors. He's obviously trying (and failing) to get rich quick. If you are a creationist, why do you support it?

Geoff said...

On the origin of specious nonsense is not a very good book.
I encourage you to visit the author's website ( and read the extract. Judge it purely on its spelling and grammar - you'll find it plumbs the depths of mediocrity.
He's a publicity seeker who's trying to get rich quick.

Lawyer said...

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make you high. This isn’t real. Cbd is certainly a drug, and technically psychoactive as it modifications the hormones and how someone feels. But nevertheless, it does this via the use of working within the ecs in a way that makes it seem as although the body is simply evidently recuperation itself. It doesn’t display up on drug assessments both, it really is an added plus.

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Consuming healthy does not imply eating handiest fruits, veggies and other low calorie merchandise, it's miles rather counting the amount of meals and each day calories. There's a restrict to the whole thing, consequently there ought to be a restriction for each day meals intake if you want to maintain a wholesome way of life and save you weight problems and its effects. Obesity manner to be considerably overweight, in some other phrases it is a nation of being above the advocated weight based totally on one's height.

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Traditional remedy includes antiinflammatory tablets, mild stretching sporting events, warm baths and massage. Natural supplements are an adjuvant in such instances and sometimes they may even get rid of completely the want for artificial pills. Black cohosh extract, from the root of this plant, consists of, as an instance, antiinflammatory compounds similar with those discovered in aspirin, a drug broadly use for alleviating pain inside the joints.

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Or, maybe like so lots of us who are brave enough to admit it, you have spent your hard earned dollars on capsules, herbs, dietary supplements and "all natural" solutions that promise fantastic size, without muss, fuss, pain or strain. There's no shame in admitting this. The fact is, the penis growth tablet business is booming.

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means of consuming foods that rating low at the glycemic index, you will get the following blessings. Less starvation pains much less cravings less temper swings lower caloric consumption weight reduction how exactly does the glycemic index help human beings shed pounds? Whilst you eat foods which are low glycemic, they'll help maintain your blood sugar solid.

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You assure that you will consume a very excessive first-rate product, presenting the identical consequences, the identical purity and the identical quality in each tablet. Hercampuri: This is the local plant of the Andes, which incorporates orgasm, erythrin, volatile oils, mucus and tannins. It additionally has a sufficient degree of saponins, which reacts with an insoluble complex that reduces its absorption and decreases excess fats, helping to enhance the parent.

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Do you spot anything even remotely closely to the phrase keto? Commonly, keto supplements contain something known as bhb (betahydroxybutyrate) ketones that can help to increase strength and decorate fat burning. They are nowhere to be located in the max suit keto supplement. Rather they comprise garcinia, a weight reduction ingredient idea to prevent fat introduction from taking place. However, the keto food regimen uses fat.

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Why your food regimen can assist a exchange in food plan doesn't must imply that you consume 'rabbit' meals. What you want is a greater balanced consumption of nutrients. As an example, walnuts are wealthy in omega and antioxidants and most westerners lack omega in their diets. This can be rectified by eating oily fish such salmon or mackerel, or seafood consisting of the greenlipped mussel from new zealand, which is said to have aphrodisiacal residences.

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Which can be very plenty powerful but has some dangers as nicely. So we will transfer to the opposite products which do no longer carry any type of aspect impact like the natural merchandise. Natural products for dropping weight come in a numerous variety of drinks, liquids, pills, powders, pills and tablets, so there are different options to select from to healthy every person. In view that the goods are not capsules we in no way want a medical doctor's recommendation of the way secure they're.

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You wait in line, you pay as speedy as possible, you wolf it down as fast as possible and the electricity spike lasts most effective a brief while earlier than you crash once more. After some time, all the strain and velocity gets on your mind and your emotions and make you hectic, irritable, and harassed out all of the time.

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The tough a part of making use of all that is that a man in andropause is remarkably hard to dislodge from the couch! Natural therapists use herbs and homoeopathic remedies to treat low hormone ranges, along side the advanced vitamins, health and strain management techniques that help

Jaine Mard said...

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A constrained calorie diet will let you shed pounds. Discover a few hints to help you out whilst trying to devour a lower calorie weight loss program and modify to it better. When you need to lose weight, one of the exceptional ingesting plans to comply with is a restrained calorie eating regimen. This is truly ingesting less than a certain quantity of energy every day in hope that your frame evidently burns off greater calories every day main to weight loss. When you have ever attempted to devour this way, you are aware of it's hard. It is hard to modify to it and also you might be hungry.

Cafe Vert said...

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Accordingly, fat end up stored in immoderate portions that they show via the bulges of our stomach. And after they've been there for lengthy, it could be so tough to get them out. Most of the people don't even care to try.

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The human digestive system changed into not meant to address such big quantities of gluten or wheat in our weight-reduction plan. Our digestive gadget continues to be excellent geared up for the huntergatherer form of ingredients like meats, end result, veggies and nuts. Many humans have remarkable achievement after they eliminate all wheats from their food regimen for more than one weeks. Not only do the kilos come off but different troubles such as indigestion and headaches may go away. Occasionally getting rid of wheat can lessen pores and skin troubles the following form of fattening food is fruit juice.

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Squeeze for a minute after which resume intercourse, what takes place us that over the years the gap between squeezes receives larger till you may supply her what she wishes without it. Desire those strategies to ultimate longer assist you out. Several guys today are locating ways to growth penis size.

Unknown said...

Keto Complex Australia doesn’t harm you in any way and 100% safe to use. It is totally doctor-approved product. You can see its result on its official website before using it as there are many happy customers who have shared their success stories. This supplement reduces your weight rapidly and effectively. Keto Complex Australia is very simple and easy to use these supplements. You don’t have to follow any kind of specific diet or exercise. You just have to take 2 capsules a day, first before breakfast and another before the dinner with lukewarm water for one month for getting its perfect result.


RDX Surge said...

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If a healthful adult consumed only one hundred greater energy each day, he/she could benefit nearly a pound a month, or 10 pounds a year! Let's accept it, nearly each person ought to lose an inch right here or there, and statistics do not lie: over 34% of adults elderly 20 years and older are overweight, in keeping with the results of the 2005 countrywide health and nutrition exam survey.

Oran Carter said...

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Eat an apple before your dinners. It will cause you to feel full and assist you with eating less. . Never avoid your morning meal. Studies have discovered that the individuals who eat normally have a superior possibility of getting thinner and keeping it off than the individuals who don't. Utilize these ten simple weight reduction tips to assist you with getting more fit all the more normally. You can likewise keep the weight off and appreciate an increasingly solid way of life. You need read wellbeing tips The key to weight reduction isn't generally something strange. Nearly everybody knows at any rate a couple of approaches to get thinner.

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With an accelerated and thicker penis length it's far viable to revel in ultimate sexual satisfaction. Along side getting and thicker penis size the supplement additionally works closer to solving numerous specific sexual troubles in men efficiently. It ensures wellknown accurate health of guys so one can experience all elements of life to complete extent.

abiyah said...

X Muscle One important wholesome enhancement for building muscles is whey protein. Taking whey protein shake as post exercise sustenance further develops muscle fix and recuperation. Another fundamental supplement is fish oil which is plentiful in omega-3 nutrients.